June 21, 2024 - De Doelen, Rotterdam

Lightning Talks

In this action packed program, the speakers have exactly 5 minutes to talk about their subject.

5 Maze Algorithms in 5 Minutes

LinkedIn LogoErik Hooijmeijer

"I love mazes. And there are a lot of algorithms for generating them. I am going to demonstrate and explain 5 of them."

Accessibility should be built into more software

LinkedIn LogoHidde de Vries

"A lot of organisations, government and private corporations, are required to make their websites accessible to people with disabilities. But few do, and many struggle. What if we built more guidance and checks into software? In this talk, we'll look at some ideas for putting accessibility where people are, to make their life's and those of end users easier, so that everybody can make the web more accessible."

Extreme product development

LinkedIn LogoPeter Hilton

"Today’s extreme product development happens in a small but growing number of companies. This presentation will reveal how they have figured out how to truly work remote-first, with no offices, and support part-time and flexible working. Their development teams don’t make estimates, manage huge backlogs, or waste time in meetings. They even skip reject daily stand-ups. The resulting product development is less wasteful, and it is also more human."

Teaching the next generation

LinkedIn LogoTies van de Ven

"'Knowledge is the only thing that increases as you give it away'. Sharing knowledge has been a big part of my life, it was a way for me to make a small difference in the world and made me a better software engineer at the same time. So let's talk about the benefits of sharing knowledge and what are ways you can help both children and adults grow in our wonderful craft."

Feminism in programming language design

LinkedIn LogoFelienne Hermans

"Women have been historically marginalised in programming language design. This lighting talk explores PL through a feminist lens; what do we believe and programming and gender, and is that true? And what could programming look like when it was created from a feminist perspective?"

Luddism, LLMs, and you

LinkedIn LogoJoep Schuurkes

"Imagine there's a group of people with plenty of money, who figure out they can make even more money by increasing the level of automation. All they need to get there, is to produce products of worse quality, make workers subservient to them so they can exploit them, and break the law. All of that's fine, though, because the government has their backs. This probably sounds familiar. Because it is happening right now with Large Language Models (LLMs)."

Gamification in AR

LinkedIn LogoQuincy van der Sluis

"How can gamification be applied to end users to stimulate and motivate to do more AR tours?"

A Note on Dental Hygiene

LinkedIn LogoKarl van Heijster

"Testing code is like flossing teeth: most people don’t do it, and when they do, they do it at the wrong time. Learn how Test-Driven Development sparks joy by helping you to produce squeeky clean code to match your squeeky clean teeth!"