Securing the Death Star: Threat modeling in a galaxy far, far away....
The Galactic Empire is on the verge of releasing its biggest, most valuable and most important asset: The Death Star. You, the newly appointed Chief Imperial Security Officer, are responsible for improving its security posture. The previous CISO was “let go” and now it’s your job to clean up their mess. Your boss, Darth Vader, is breathing heavily down your neck. He is not amused with the project already over budget in both resources and time, and security will only add to that. His unconventional, yet persuasive leadership style convinces you to make this your top-most priority. How will you approach the massive task of securing the Death Star? This presentation will tell an untold story in the Star Wars universe in which the Death Star’s threats and mitigations were identified and prioritised before its release. Securing an artificial moon with a crew of over 2 million people might put the task of securing your software application into perspective.
Coen Goedegebure