Speaker information

Thank you for helping us create the best event we can! To help things go smoothly, this page collects everything that speakers need to know.

Information we need

Please could you answer some practical questions:

  1. When you will arrive and depart? If you’re flying, what are your flight numbers? If you’re flying in from outside Europe and arriving in the morning, we might be able to arrange a hotel room for you on arrival.
  2. Would you like a hotel room from 23 to 25 May? We’re happy to offer you a hotel room so you can arrive the day before the conference, and leave the day after, but we need to finalise the bookings.
  3. Do you have any food allergies? We will inform the restaurant for the speaker dinner, and the conference venue’s caterer.
  4. Does your laptop have an HDMI, DVI or Display Port? If not, which ports? We will arrange to have the required adaptors available, although it’s always good if you have your own, as a back-up.
  5. Does your presentation require Internet access? If so, do you need Wi-Fi, rather than an Ethernet cable? In principle, the presentation room only has wired internet, so we need to know if we have to make other arrangements.


  • You have maximum 30 minutes for your presentation. We have back-to-back 40-minute sessions, so this allows ten minutes for for the next presenter to set-up. Including Q&A is optional, but we hope you make time to talk to people who have questions after your presentation.
  • InfoQ will film the presentations to put online.
  • The venue’s projector does not have audio, so any audio should go through the audio jack, and not through HDMI.
  • For an impression of the stage, see the our 2016 keynote photo.

Lightning talks

Send us your slides in PDF format in advance. We’ll combine these into a single presentation, which we’ll display on our laptop.

Lightning talks will be strictly limited to five minutes, with a visible timer.


Mariott Rotterdam, Weena 686, 3012 CN Rotterdam, NL


Further details about the pre-party, hotel, and organisers’ emergency contact details will follow.