Teaching a machine to code - Samir Talwar

12:00 - 12:30

At Prodo.AI, we’re teaching machines to write code for humans. Using the latest in Deep Learning techniques, we can generate code that’s not just functional, but beautiful. Our goal is to make the computer do the heavy lifting so you can concentrate on the important things: being creative, solving problems, and having fun.

We’ve tried a hundred different ways of encoding the knowledge of *how* to write code. In this talk, Samir will take you through a tour of the different techniques, architectures and optimisations we’ve tried in the process of teaching a machine to write code, using neural networks, simulations and everything in between.

About the speaker

Samir Talwar


Samir Talwar is an expert in all programming disciplines, including, but not limited to:

He has received several awards in the field of software design and development, and has been praised endlessly by critics. One 22-year-old colleague stated he was ‘hands-down the most bearded developer he’d ever seen’. Clients refer to him as ‘Oh, it’s you again’. When his superiors were asked to comment, they showered him with compliments such as, ‘Who the hell is Samir?’

